Dr. Sanghamitra Deb

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Sanghamitra received her master’s degree in chemistry from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. She then moved on to Brown University for her PhD in experimental physical chemistry with Prof. Peter Weber where she worked on ultrafast molecular dynamics.

As a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Waren’s lab at Duke University she worked on melanin chemistry and its importance in melanoma and neurodegenrative diseases using ultrafast pump-probe imaging of tissue samples and melanin model systems.

Sanghamitra is currently working as a postdoctoral Associate in Prof. Bhargava’s group and interested in developing stainless staining of tissue and biopsy sections based on non-linear imaging techniques, specially stimulated Raman scattering. She also wants to develop different molecular probes for various non-linear imaging techniques relevant to biomedical imaging.

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